Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Need help with fan configuration

Hi All,
I am new here and a relative rookie to electronics. I apologize in advance if I am on the wrong forum.

I am trying to get the most cfm from a 1.5 inch fan as possible.

My requirements are;
1.5 inch max fan diameter
typical power supply will be usb on computer
free standing ie I think I will use a separate motor with a fan blade attached to maximize blade area. (I could be wrong in my thinking)
Would love to move about 70 cfm more would be better(I do not know the math involved)

I am using this to inflate not cool

Can anybody help me with
fan speed
fan blade pitch
will it be possible to run this for an hour on battery power.(small power supply, max 3 AAA batteries or similar size.)

I'm guessing you may need more information so please let me know what else I can provide.

Thanks in advance.
Name brand fans with have the CFM ratings on them or in the data sheet, but I'm doubting anything that small is capable of inflating anything.
You can knock yourself out trying to engineer this, or you can consider inflating alternatives.
70 cfm (Cubic foot per minute) at presumably low pressure inflation eg camp bed bouncy castle type pressure rather than compressed air /tyre pressure. the closest thing I can think of that would move that kind of air and not mains would be a dyson portable vacume cleaner type set up to give you an indication of the ammount of air you are trying to shift this equates aproximatly to 2000L / min. 120 CuM / hour aproximatly.