Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Need help with DRC errors in eagle CAD

I am getting a few DRC errors in eagle CAD
I just want to know if they can be ignored or fixed.

1) Dimension: I have used the 3.5 mm jack kibrary provided by sparkfun
However on Design Rule Check it is showing the dimension error.
Should I make any amends or it is fine to ignore this error?

2) Drill Size: I didn't quite understand what exactly is wrong here.

3) Overlap: Here wire of the same signal is overlapping with the pad and the via.
Is it fine to ignore this error or I need to make amends?

4) Stop mask: I am getting this error in two of the libraries I myself have made.
Is it fine to ignore the error? Or is it necessary to change the layer from tplace to tdocu?

5) Width: The ICs I am using have the pad width of around 8~9mil.
So accordingly I have kept the wire width to 9mil as well.
Also the operating current is in micro amperes.
So is it still necessary to increase the width of the wires?dimension.jpg dimension.jpg drill size.jpg overlap.jpg stop mask.jpg


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    stop mask1.jpg
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