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Need help with commercial floor fan please

Looks like a HV-180 Honeywell commercial floor fan with 16" cage.

Comes from my buddies industrial garage, he cut wires from before switch (bad switch). Stayed in garage collecting dust, but it's actually barely used. I want to use it for work, always need fans to dry.
Took it apart, motor is clean and spins freely, no wiring diagram to follow, used online sites to do my best...lots of research and almost ready to give up!

Motor is a DM-514G with 5+2+1 wires
Red, blue, yellow, white and grey comes from winding from what I can tell
2 black with continuity seems to be thermal fuse
1 earth ground to frame
Continuity between white and r,bl,y...and grey with r,bl,yellow. But not white and grey.
I bought a lutron fan switch 1.5 amp 2 black wires which I was going to wire the high and use switch.
I bought a start capacitor 3.0 uf 2 red wires
I tried following a few diagrams, these two seem to be the ones I need to follow (see attached) but I only get humming.


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MacGyver perhaps..??
Seriously though, no one would know from a distance unless they have the exact same fan pulled apart or could chase down a schematic of that particular model.
I do notice you say, "looks like" and no way to determine by colour.
Colours are not, as many think, a definite scheme.
You could dismantle to motor and trace the wiring to the stator connections and get some idea, then meter out to determine exactly.
Sorry, yes. I did readings all combos
Grey and white had highest ohms 78.2
Then white and blue 50
And grey and blue 28.5
So it led me to believe from my research that white was my start winding. Grey run. Yellow, red and blue my 3 speeds which I did against white to get 1 2 3
My 2 black had no continuity to other wires and seem to be in the center of the other wires tied to winding. They have continuity (black and black) so thermal fuse should be intact. Grn/yellow is the only one I can confirm what it is the rest is all research guessing from videos and websites.
Sorry, yes. I did readings all combos
Grey and white had highest ohms 78.2
Then white and blue 50
And grey and blue 28.5
So it led me to believe from my research that white was my start winding. Grey run.

This part I can follow and seems to be logical conclusion.
However what comes after is rather confusiong as to what goes where.
Perhaps pencil out a sketch...... I suspect you might have the cap connected to the wrong section.
Again, cannot be certain as you do not say.
" but I only get humming."

Usually an indication that the Phase (start cct) Cap has gone, or a break in this part of the circuit.
With the speed switch in the off position, what resistance reading do you get across Live/Neutral.
It should start at low resistance then climb fast to open circuit as the cap charges.
New cap I just purchased in the pic added above. I didn't have a parts list, so I tried to find through pics and videos of similar floor fan about 18" to figure out size of cap. Maybe I have the wrong cap? As for wiring...first attempt I did;

-Cap between white and grey since they have highest reading (but no continuity beep?)
-One side of thermal(no polarization)1608647289912280982142091121402.jpg IMG_20201221_1927041.jpg Screenshot_20201220-144958.png to one side of cap (no polarization?), the other side of thermal to neutral of plug
-Live to new switch I just bought
-switch to high (I think is blue)
-didn't touch red or yellow (using high on new switch that has already low med high off.
Like image attached but with my colors
Should I try other reading across L and N with above wiring? Or like this image...I sketched it out from what I understood from image I'm attaching. Also, did I get my wire guesses right from the readings attached above?16086479523508841650025135611397.jpg Screenshot_20201221-001558.png
Sir Nick635csi . .. . .
I have not yet taken an in depth reading of all of your info, just quickly scanned it , but if the 1st drawing of post # 8, yieded a hummmmmmmmmming motor and the GREY and WHITE wires are the only ones that are connected to just a single motor winding.
Then just reverse their wiring end connections into your perceived wiring scheme and then try a power up again of the unit,

Green/yellow is the only one I can confirm what it is the rest is all research guessing from videos and websites.

That . . . or just Green . . . .. is being the color wiring code for any case or exposed to touch metal of the machine/equipment that gets grounded for protection of a user from electrical shock.

Felix Navi-daddy . . . .
73's de Edd . .
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Hi, yeah I was trying some humour with the green wire. Lol. Sorry. I tried reversing the white and grey. I sent live to cap and the cap to grey. I used neutral to thermal and thermal to grey. Like in my sketch. I'm testing without switch, so I added red to live (I think it's a speed) then blue instead of red. Both times humming. But red hummed stronger, I tried turning shaft to help while humming but stuck. Removed power and spun freely. Does my paper with all the reading mean anything? Can the wires be identified by my readings?
Switch shown has only 2 black and a not see any red, blue, yellow or white

Also cannot read the top added writing in the last photo.( mumbo jumbo.................Grey)
Those are my wires. The paper is the ohm readings between the respective colors then I tried ranked them like a saw in a video to identify them from the readings. Not sure if right.
According to method for ranking. Rank your readings from highest to lowest and use those rankings to find these wires;

1&2 aux
1 common
2 low
3 medium
4 high
Grey & white had highest reading
Grey & red had 2nd highest.
So grey being aux
Then go back to highest reading grey & white; grey already used. So white being common. And keep going. Third highest blue and white, so blue being 3.
Don't know if this is right, trying everything. I don't understand why only humming. It's a new cap you've ripped the wiring out of the speed control switch.....pity.....

I don't understand why only humming.

Well, it's obviously humming as there is either a shorted winding or incorrect connection.

The above shows you've destroyed part of the evidence that may have set us on a correct path though.

Going back to photo post #5, to hazard an experienced guess, I'd say the pinkish coloured outer winding is the run winding and the more amber inner winding is the start which would require the capacitor in series.
Perhaps cut the 2 white cable ties and see what colour wiring joins to what there. Ties should be easy to re-install afterwards just need a little handling care while the ties are cut away, that's all.
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