Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Need help with an ACTEL logic module

I need help with the algebra, i am supposed to draw it, with a two 2:1 mux's going to another 2:1 mux with the input on the third mux with an or gate


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I would be looking at AB'C and AC to see if there is something redundant there.
I need to make it look like that but im not sure how to determine what variables go where to make it equal my function


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Altho a quik fix will solve your problem for now it wont aid u to learn and i imagine this is for a college project??

My best advice would be to take a look at that website and/or text books etc.. and see if you can "simplify" that equation. Make sure you completly understand what you are attempting to achieve.

Then come back here if u get stuck and we can try to point you in the right direction.