Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Need Help w/ Custom Portable Speaker Schematic

Hi! I'm planning to build a custom portable speaker. I am hand crafting the casing from wood, and I know how I want it to look and operate, but I do not have the knowledge to design the schematic. Is anyone interested in working with me to create the schematic?

To give you an idea, here is the basic premise of the component setup:

There will be four 3 inch speakers housed in a wooden cube. There will be one 3.5mm aux jack. There will be a power switch and an LED light. It will run off of battery power that will also be inside the cube. The type of batteries used are yet to be determined.

It seems like a fairly simple schematic for an experienced person. Anyone interested in lending a hand?

Thanks very much! :)
Now do you want the enjoyment of building a circuit or are you happy to have a module.

I'd definitely like to appreciate building a circuit from start to finish. Plus, whatever I put together has to fit within the 4 to 5 inch cube that will house it. Each speaker will be mounted on each of the 4 sides around the horizon of the cube.
The schematic is in the datasheets I sent you with all the other components. I don't quite understand your response.
The schematic is in the datasheets I sent you with all the other components. I don't quite understand your response.

I apologize. I do see the various schematics, but none of them seem to exactly match my particular situation. I'm a super noob, so I just need a little more hand holding. ;)
Please elaborate on your situation? I don't understand.

I'm essentially looking for someone who knows circuitry well enough to put the schematic together based on the components that I know I want to use. Four 3 inch speakers, 1 power switch, an LED (power indicator), and a battery. As to any other components needed to tie all of that together, I look to the expert for the inclusion of those components into the schematic.

If I'm not making sense or this sounds ridiculous, just let me know. Haha :)
Well the main component Martin is the amplifier. You will need those components first and you build the circuit and attach the speakers to the output, being they are the same you could have two parallel lots of two in series giving you 8 Ohms. Although the amplifier can drive much lower impedances I would stick to 8 Ohms.
Is this of any use to you?
It's made from readily available modules.


Well the main component Martin is the amplifier. You will need those components first and you build the circuit and attach the speakers to the output, being they are the same you could have two parallel lots of two in series giving you 8 Ohms. Although the amplifier can drive much lower impedances I would stick to 8 Ohms.

Thanks for the explanation! :)