Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Need help to write a program to control AD9834 DDS using PIC16F877A micro controller

I need help to write a program to control Analog Devices AD9834 DDS using a PIC16F877A micro controller. DDS chip is connected in PORTB of PIC16F877A uC. 3-Wire (SCK-->RB0,SDI-->RB1,FSYNC-->RB2) software SPI communication is used. The RESET Pin of DDS Chip is connected in RB3. FSELECT and PSELECT pin of DDS chip is grounded. I uses 20MHz master clock to generate 19kHz sinewave from DDS chip. Please provide a pseudo code or C code to program DDS chip connected to PIC uC. Thanks in advance.


Sadly passed away in 2015
Please provide a pseudo code or C code to program DDS chip connected to PIC uC.
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