Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Need help to ID this component on PCB Board - Akai MPC 60 MKI

Hello, trying to get help identifying this component on a PCB Board I am attempting to repair myself.. I have been referencing the service manual for common parts as well as the schematic itself but my unit appears to be older than the available manual, so I think what I have is not 100% in the manual? I am second owner, I do not think the original owner ever opened it up to swap out components (unused and in storage for years).. Anyway, I was replacing capacitors on this PCB, appeared to have broken off a leg to what looks like a Resistor? It is similar in shape, is painted tan with 1 green band pointing towards ground. One leg has the tan coating, the other leg is exposed. There are two side by side on the PCB board, where it states a Capacitor, but next to it is the same (broken) component over TR1, but it does not look like a Transistor to me.. Either way I cannot ID it and have been looking online for the last few days so I can order from mouser..

The manual states TR1 is (TR 2SC2240) but when I tried to ID it, what is on my board from factory does not look like a Transistor. I do not have a lot of knowledge on the diff types of electronic components or what to substitute with, but I am fairly confident in my soldering skills if it's recommended to substitute these/that part (don't mind the poor job on C55 and C54)

Can anyone help me identify these two parts on C56 and TR1 from photos? C56 has been very difficult to locate on the schematics but is the same part as TR1. Would like to replace these two pieces but am having issues identifying it to order the parts.. Any info is greatly appreciated as I do not feel safe shipping this old machine, nor cough up the dough to pay a technician out here in Chicago so I'm hoping to finish this on my own..

MPC 60 Service Manual PDF (Sync PCB starts on page 44-48) up:

Photo reference:

Let me know if you need more information, any help is greatly appreciated!!


The manual states TR1 is (TR 2SC2240) but when I tried to ID it, what is on my board from factory does not look like a Transistor. I do not have a lot of knowledge on the diff types of electronic components or what to substitute with, but I am fairly confident in my soldering skills if it's recommended to substitute these/that part (don't mind the poor job on C55 and C54)

Can anyone help me identify these two parts on C56 and TR1 from photos? C56 has been very difficult to locate on the schematics but is the same part as TR1

no, they are not transistors or capacitors ... they appear to be a couple of links ( zero Ohm resistors) Zero Ohm resistors usually have a single black band
With your VERY blurry pic, I cannot quite tell if that band is black or green ??

Point is ... regardless, they are just links ..... you can see that there is a design/manufacturing variation of the board and that there is the possibility of
2 extra transistors and a single cap. In this particular variation the cap and one of the transistor positions has been linked out

you could measure the resistance across those links ... I would suggest it should be zero or close to zero Ohms

no need to replace them unless they are open circuit ... they don't look faulty
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no, they are not transistors or capacitors ... the3y appear to be a couple of links ( zero Ohm resistors) Zero Ohm resistors usually have a single black band
With your VERY blurry pic, I cannot quite tell if that band is black or green ??

Point is ... regardless, they are just links ..... you can see that there is a design/manufacturing variation of the board and that there is the possibility of
2 extra transistors and a single cap. In this particular variation the cap and one of the transistor positions has been linked out

you could measure the resistance across those links ... I would suggest it should be zero or close to zero Ohms

no need to replace them unless they are open circuit ... they don't look faulty

Thanks for the response and explanation! That makes sense, I had been wondering about the differences between models and why that happened to be the way it was.
I would like to at least replace the 1 resistor I broke, just soldered the broken connections together for a temp fix.. Here is a better shot, sorry for the blurry ref. Both have a green band on them, but I will look up some replacements, 0hm 1/4 5% resistors should be fine? Will check resistance between the bands also, thank you!! --


I got a reading of 01.5 from my multimeter

OK .... that may be indicate the nature of the green band ... not sure ?
I have never personally seen a green banded link .... on the other hand I use 100's of the 0 Ohm black bands

You could just use a 1 Ohm 1/4 W resistor to replace the broken one