Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Need help to cross reference a Motorola stud diode

Hello folks, I'm new to this forum today.
I would like to ask for help cross referencing a Motorola stud mount fast recovery rectifying diode from an older home portable generator.

The markings are as follows: MR2006R 8501
I believe this to be a 600v 20amp fast recovery diode.
I believe this exact match spec is not critical because of the way it is used in the generator.

I'm looking for a cheap equivalent stud diode.
I cant seem to find a cross reference chart for this diode.
hello, thanks for the links.
the photos of the genny in the smokestak link looks just like the genny we are working on.

the digikey part link looks like it will work; its rated a bit higher amperage, but that certainly cant hurt.
thank you