Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Need help to convert USB keyboard to wireless


hi there
Welcome to the forums :)

why dont you just buy a wireless kbrd ?
its going to be a lot less hassles and frustrations in the end
They are relatively cheap :)

Unfortunately, there is no wireless version of this keyboard (tenkeyless mx/blue mechanical switched). Not all keyboards are the same; especially for very fast touch typists. There is a wireless mx/brown switched keyboard out; but it has the numeric keypad (which wont fit in the area I need it to fit).

There are people have modified this keyboard to be wireless; however, they had the expertise to do it. Unfortunately, I don't.

Here's an example of someone converting the keyboard to wireless...
Are you looking for a clean install inside with not cables? Not impossible but cost prohibitive unless you do it yourself...

Google 'wireless USB hub' lots of commercial solutions... You very well might be able to take one of these over the counter solutions, rip the hub apart and kit bash it into the inside of the keyboard to make it a very clean install... This is all speculation as I have no clue how much room might be available inside the keyboard housing or how large the hubs actually circuit board is...

But, looking at this one for example, not a recommendation just an example...

That hub looks pretty darn small, and very well might be able to be squeezed into a keyboard housing...

One a side note, you will also have power concerns when you go wireless, you obviously will need to power the keyboard and radio so that is something else you have to consider... I believe this is why most wireless keyboards go IR so that they are only transmitting when the key is pressed and it's a low power wireless implementation vs radio...
Thanks for the suggestion. I haven't been able to find a wireless USB hub thats reliable and doesnt depend on proprietary software to be installed on the PC. That's why I decided to try to the modding route. I was hoping to find someone here that can mod it for me similar to who other people have modded this particular keyboard; or, offer even a better way to do it.
I just looked at some of the mods, they are simple in principle but labor intensive in practice... Doing it yourself with free labor is appealing, but if you are to pay a 'professional' to do do it you are likely going to find out real soon that it's not going to be cheap as the hours tick away...

Now there is always someone that will do it for a case of beer or pocket change as they have the free time and/or like the challenge but finding a reliable one is few and far between...

Good luck on your quest, maybe you will find someone that is reliable and cheap or reasonable that will do the mod for you...
Thanks. I really do appreciate you trying to help. It looks like the mods may risk the quality of the product.

I may have to live with installing software. I did find a solution that's somewhat cheap; which probably would be the most compact solution possible. Strangely, it's an abandoned product with no other products to take it's place (meant for a single USB


per this suggestion (meant for Camera with USB):

I had to go digging for the updated software download since Cables Unlimited went out of business: