Maker Pro
Maker Pro

need help on the lcd connecting

need help to connect a 320 x 240 LCD to connect to Lcd Card I have this project which the lcd and card do Connect this is not in right pin order here is a picture it seem no one no's Electronic this not my project I can not up load the schematic as there are too many pic

LCD ----------------- LCD CARD
PIN ------------------- Pin
1 Vss --------------- 1 QVSYNC
2 Vdd ------------- 2 QHSYNC
3 Vo -------------- 3 XSCL
4 WR -------------- 4 DISPON
5 RD -------------- 5 VCC
6 CS --------------- 6 GND
7 Ao -------------- 7 VEE
8 RES ------------ 8 XD0
9 DB0 ------------- 9 XD1
10 DB1 ------------ 10 XD2
11 DB2 ----------- 11 XD3
12 DB3 ---------- 12 FRM
13 DB4 ----------- 13 n/c
14 DB5 ---------- 14 n/c
15 DB6 --------- 15 n/c
16 DB7 ---------- 16 BAS
17 NC ---------- 17 VO
18 Vout ---------- 18 QOIX
------------------------ 19 VCC
------------------------ 20 GND


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Harald Kapp

You don't tell us, what the signals do or what types of LCD and LCD card you use.

From the signal names you give, however, I'd say the two are not compatible.
The LCD has a data bus interface. So there is obviously an integrated controller which receives command via the data bus (DB0...DB7, WR, RD, CS, A0). You don't need a dedicated LCD card to control this type of display. Just connect it to an appropriate parallel interface of the Computer/Microcontroller.

Whereas the LCD card seems to issue video signals (QVSYNC, QHSYNC, BAS, FRM) for an LCD without controller.

Please look at the datasheet of both LCD and LCD card to determine which of the two you want to use and what you need to control it.

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Harald Kapp

rambo99 said:
for your help but there is no ifo on his site and I can not get in cntact him at all that why I try on the forum site to get help is it to much to ask when your not busy all you don't what to help me at all
thank you for help

I'm sorry,
it's not that I don't want to help - in that case I wouldn't have answered in the first place.
Going deeper into this topic than I did with my first post currently just exceeds my capabilities. For me it really seems that both card and LCD are not compatible. But I don't have more information than is given on the project site I referenced for you.
