Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Need help extending battery life of a Kodak V608 cam.

hey guys, i'm working on a simple project. First of all i have a Kodak V608 point and shoot digital cam, and the battery doesnt last long enough. Im looking at using a 6V rechargeable deer feeder battery to connect to the charger port. What my question is how can i reduce the 6vdc to the 5vdc that it requires? I just need a simple something, i tried resistors but they only reduce the current.

thanks for any help!!


an easy and slightly crude way would be to use 2 diodes in series say 1N4002 type
you would get ~0.5 - 0.6V drop across each diode.

keep in mind what the actual voltage of the 6V battery is when fully charged
does it get up to 7V ?

when i brought it home and put a meter on it, it says 6.2v. but ill hook up a charger and then read the voltage again.
well i done some pidling around and found some 5408 diodes that i have, made me a little test circuit board out of cardboard and soldered some wires together. It will take 6 -5408 diodes to get the voltage down to 5.03vdc so that should do it. thanks Davenn for the info!!!

You'll find that the voltage will drop with the amount Dave suggested when you put a load on (a DVM does not constitute a load). I guess you'll end up with 3-2 diodes.