Maker Pro
Maker Pro

need help custom high voltage alternating pulse circuit


I'm a bit of a novice.
I am wanting to build a circuit that will pulse high voltage through 2 separate induction coils alternating at as fast a frequency as possible, with a variable frequency if possible. Also it will be powered by a battery 12v or 24v etc.

High voltage means as high as reasonably works.

can anyone help me please? I've had no luck asking around so far

whole project is very loose I can build the inductors around the circuit.

would really appreciate anyone who could write a basic schematic

thanks in advance
Welcome to the forum Shanan!

To be honest I will be of little value to you in this respect, however, I can save some of the more experienced members from having to ask you and wait for the following data:

1. Can you specify "high voltage"? Are we talking about anything above 40V or over 1kV?
2. Do you need a specific voltage or a range above a certain voltage?
3. Have you given thought to what will be used to interrupt the DC to create the high voltage spike? Mechanical or electromechanical?
4. Is there a triggering event that will change the frequency of interruption or will a simple input knob suffice?
5. Do you have a size constraint and budget to work with?

Any and all information you can provide, please do so - it makes it easier for folks to provide assistance.
Hey thanks for the reply

1. Can you specify "high voltage"? Are we talking about anything above 40V or over 1kV? more like 40v
2. Do you need a specific voltage or a range above a certain voltage? No, this is a experiment nothing needs to be exact im only intending to create a spike in current to create inductance for a very short period and alternate to separate coils very quickly, just what ever is possible/easy/manageable to make
3. Have you given thought to what will be used to interrupt the DC to create the high voltage spike? Mechanical or electromechanical? no, but electomechanical I would presume
4. Is there a triggering event that will change the frequency of interruption or will a simple input knob suffice? knob, no triggering
5. Do you have a size constraint and budget to work with? no size constraint possibly a budget constraint, at this stage im looking for an idea of how the circuit could be formed.

ive been looking at PWM's and simple flip flop rail road circuits for children, the flip flop actually has the right idea, just needs to be variable , way faster and higher in voltage.
The main idea of this project is to change the inductance constantly to induce eddy currents, flipping negative to positive very fast etc

just throw an idea out there, anything like I said its very loose, I would love any help please

even if its 12v output getting alternated between 2outputs very fast that is a big leap forward and I will use it

thanks Chopnhack


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And of course the other question is "Why?", or more specifically "If you tell us what you are trying to achieve this will help us determine what sort of solution would be best".
I want to build 2 induction coils wired around the same core, one wired in the opposite direction, the induction coil is unique not a standard induction coil its a bit of an experiment
the purpose of the circuit is to create as much directional change as possible in inductance, so higher the strength and frequency the better. but this is a random experiment not worth over cooking it just simple stuff would be good.
ive been looking at PWM's and simple flip flop rail road circuits for children, the flip flop actually has the right idea, just needs to be variable , way faster and higher in voltage.
The main idea of this project is to change the inductance constantly to induce eddy currents, flipping negative to positive very fast etc

just throw an idea out there, anything like I said its very loose, I would love any help please

even if its 12v output getting alternated between 2outputs very fast that is a big leap forward and I will use it

Fair enough, then I would suggest taking a circuit like the one shown in the pic and substituting trim pots for the fixed resistors. From my experience doing the same you can get a fairly fast swapping between transistors >20hz IIRC
I am sure there are more elegant ways to do this, but I am a novice also and this is a pretty cheap and quick method. ;)

Don't think that would work as trim pots would have to be synchronised. But yeah that's what I was thinking, can anyone else add thanks
thanks heaps chopnhack, I actually think the simple flip flop is probably not the right circuit I just contains the right principles at an oversight perspective.
you're definitely helped a lot thanks :)

hopefully someone will be along shorty to help thanks