Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Need help adjusting HV and xray protection on Pioneer Elite Pro-200 RPTV


Brad Beerman

I just replaced the power supply board in my Pioneer Pro-200 RPTV with
a new one from Pioneer. When I pulled the board out of the box, the
cover over the HV.ADJ and X-RAY.ADJ pots was not attached, and after I
installed the board, for some reason, I adjusted them, thinking they
were the H and V size pots.

I've got the service manual, but I guess those pots are set from the
factory and I can't find anything about how to adjust them. The
service manual does recommend to disconnect the input signal and
"confirm that the high voltage is lower than 30.5kV." So, I
disconnected the anode cable and checked the voltage at the plug on
the flyback, while adjusting the HV pot, but I have to set it at a
pretty extreme setting to get close to that voltage. Does anyone have
any tips on how to correctly adjust it? What does "lower than 30.5kV"
mean anyway, how much lower is ok?

Finally, if I can get the HV adjusted correctly, how do I then set the
xray pot? Should I just turn it until the set shuts off, then turn
back a bit, or is there a better method?

Any tips are much appreciated...


Jerry G.

I would connect the anode cap, and feed some video to the set, to keep a
stable sync and operation. Then turn the contrast and brightness to minimum.
Now check the high voltage. Make sure it is at or a bit less than 30.5 kV.
This is the procedure that I use for the models that I have been trained to
work on.

I would not be able to tell you on your particular set of how to set these
up. They are normally factory set.

Once you know that there is less than the specified voltage to the anode and
the set is working normally, you should not worry about it.


Jerry G.

"Brad Beerman" <[email protected]>
wrote in message I just replaced the power supply board in my Pioneer Pro-200 RPTV with
a new one from Pioneer. When I pulled the board out of the box, the
cover over the HV.ADJ and X-RAY.ADJ pots was not attached, and after I
installed the board, for some reason, I adjusted them, thinking they
were the H and V size pots.

I've got the service manual, but I guess those pots are set from the
factory and I can't find anything about how to adjust them. The
service manual does recommend to disconnect the input signal and
"confirm that the high voltage is lower than 30.5kV." So, I
disconnected the anode cable and checked the voltage at the plug on
the flyback, while adjusting the HV pot, but I have to set it at a
pretty extreme setting to get close to that voltage. Does anyone have
any tips on how to correctly adjust it? What does "lower than 30.5kV"
mean anyway, how much lower is ok?

Finally, if I can get the HV adjusted correctly, how do I then set the
xray pot? Should I just turn it until the set shuts off, then turn
back a bit, or is there a better method?

Any tips are much appreciated...



When you disconnected the anodes to took away the filtering fo the HV, thus a
low reading. You'll have to find a way to read it with the CRTs connected..
After adjusting the HV, either not the position of the pot or measure the HV
feedback terminal with a high accuracy meter then raise it temporarily by
about 10% and slowly adjust the shutdown pot until it activates the shutdown.
Unplug it, turn the HV back down and you should be good to go.
