Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Need Equivalent Transistor

Hai friends,

How r u all.. I need equivalent transistor for S8050 D H .. Please give me a detail.. Can u give equivalent ic, transistor pdf books.. Please.. Thank u


hi there :)

you are going to have to give some more info. photo of the transistor what equip it is being used in ... where in the circuit etc

I have found examples where a S8050 is a PNP type and other examples where it is a NPN type

so lots more info may help us to help you

did you even use google and check out some of the examples to find one in the same case stype as you have ? there's dozens of datasheets

Am using for automatic lighting i.e s8050 d h for switching purpose.. The readymade light not fuctioning properly.. Thats y am search about that transistor.. am so confused while googling .. Becz some sites shows its pnp and other one shows NPN so pls gv me a equivalent transistor


.......... am so confused while googling .. Becz some sites shows its pnp and other one shows NPN so pls gv me a equivalent transistor

yup well thats what I told you ;)

you havent shown us the pics, or told us the transistor case type
how complex is the circuit? can you draw it out ?

as I said in first post .... we need more info from you if you want us to help you
