Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Need A Universal Remote Manual.

The remote is: "EMTEC EKCOH610"

Where could I find something google is blocking and filtering?
Its rediculous to have to pay for 2mb manual you paid for.

I managed to get it half way, i press/hold the setup button for 5 seconds, and press it once more, then is starts scanning and powers on the tv after about 5 minutes. But I can't get the next step.

Could someone get me the manual?

any underground search engines? would be nice eheh.


Mar Majer
Last edited:
Ok so I got it to work. Finally.

Heres what I did, My tv take about 4 seconds to turn on, so I had the tv turned on and did the remote scan again. After it turned it off i quickly pressed setup again and it worked.

But I could use an underground search engine or network, someone pm me the info? thanks.