Product developer
Anyone know of a good cost-effective compressible thermally conductive
pad that can be adhesively applied to a fixed surface of aluminum?
Application is a 60-watt switcher module that is docked onto a BMI
connector array and fastened with four screws to a large aluminum
plate. The switcher's driver MOSFET and output Schottky are tied to an
aluminum bracket that is tied to the switcher chassis bottom. It is
the switcher bottom plate that docks to the larger aluminum plate.
Since the driver and Schottky are electrically isolated the chassis to
chassis interface need not be. Therefore the thermally conductive pad
can be electrically conductive. Ideally the pad should be at least
..050" thick and compressible to adequately fill surface anomalies on
both surfaces.
Thank You for your help
pad that can be adhesively applied to a fixed surface of aluminum?
Application is a 60-watt switcher module that is docked onto a BMI
connector array and fastened with four screws to a large aluminum
plate. The switcher's driver MOSFET and output Schottky are tied to an
aluminum bracket that is tied to the switcher chassis bottom. It is
the switcher bottom plate that docks to the larger aluminum plate.
Since the driver and Schottky are electrically isolated the chassis to
chassis interface need not be. Therefore the thermally conductive pad
can be electrically conductive. Ideally the pad should be at least
..050" thick and compressible to adequately fill surface anomalies on
both surfaces.
Thank You for your help