Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Need a SD (memory card) controller chip.



Hi All,

I need a SD memory card controller chip, I also need to porting some
MCU code, and need UART interface, low speed as 9.6K is enough.

Best regards,


Boki ¼g¹D¡G
Hi All,

I need a SD memory card controller chip, I also need to porting some
MCU code, and need UART interface, low speed as 9.6K is enough.

Best regards,

Dear All,

Due to the cost, I hope it only support SD ( no need to suppor others,
ex: CF, MMC,...).

Best reagrds,


SD cards must support the SPI interface. So any microcontroller with a built
in SPI interface can control an SD card.

You can download the MMC card spec from SanDisk to get the details.


Nevo said:
SD cards must support the SPI interface. So any microcontroller with a built
in SPI interface can control an SD card.

You can download the MMC card spec from SanDisk to get the details.

The MMC spec is not the same as the SD spec, unfortunately. One can get
a copy of the minimal SD spec for free but not the whole spec without
joining the club. The entire spec is necessary to fully implement SD.

I am using a device from Winbond that supports SD and SDIO, but I had
to sign NDAs to get the source. I have no doubt you will run into the
same issue.



Adrian Jansen

Boki said:
Hi All,

I need a SD memory card controller chip, I also need to porting some
MCU code, and need UART interface, low speed as 9.6K is enough.

Best regards,
Have a look at

and related:


Adrian Jansen adrianjansen at internode dot on dot net
Design Engineer J & K Micro Systems
Microcomputer solutions for industrial control
Note reply address is invalid, convert address above to machine form.


PeteS said:
Nevo wrote:
The MMC spec is not the same as the SD spec, unfortunately. One can get
a copy of the minimal SD spec for free but not the whole spec without
joining the club. The entire spec is necessary to fully implement SD.

I am using a device from Winbond that supports SD and SDIO, but I had
to sign NDAs to get the source. I have no doubt you will run into the
same issue.

I heard that:
1. SD is a superset of MMC, thus MMC code can use SD cards
2. The 4-bit SD interface isn't a big deal
3. Only the 'secure' aspects are closely guarded
4. The security has been cracked, so it isn't secure
5. Almost nobody uses the security features

So I presume one can get code to use SD cards without the complete


PeteS ¼g¹D¡G
The MMC spec is not the same as the SD spec, unfortunately. One can get
a copy of the minimal SD spec for free but not the whole spec without
joining the club. The entire spec is necessary to fully implement SD.

I am using a device from Winbond that supports SD and SDIO, but I had
to sign NDAs to get the source. I have no doubt you will run into the
same issue.



Thanks a lot, I think NDA is not an issue. :)

Best regards,


I dont think he will run into the same issues , nor will i .

The market will be free , or it will die , take your pick ....

Patents hold society hostage by those who only copyied
others , but got to patent office first !
Can You say Bill Gates !

Joe Birch

Did you find an SD Card Host controller?
I am looking for one and could use some help.
The dosonchip looks interesting but i think would be too slow.
I need a concurrent write of 1Mbytes/s and a read of 2Mbytes/s.

A USB to SD card bridge would be OK. or a SD Card Host controller with
a A/D bus.

I need to keep the cost <$10
