Maker Pro
Maker Pro

need a NC Tactile pushbutton 6mm square

I needed a NC Tactile pushbutton in a project, I layed the PCB design and sent it to the FAB House and then I found that its very hard for them to find the Normal closed Tactile push-button.I needed a push-button that was normally closed (NC) and would open when pushed. Almost every tactile push-button is normally open (NO) and closed when pushed.So, does anyone know of a standard-width, compact-height, through-hole, tactile push-button in a normally closed state? I am using 6mm square tactile Push-button footprint.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
I would also ask whether or not you can (for example) swap the position of a switch and a resistor and use a NO switch.

This may not apply to your situation, of course.
This is NOT meant as criticism, but it's a point that designers in industry need to be aware of. When you design something, you need to make sure your design uses parts that can be sourced in sufficient quantities. Where I used to work, we had a group of crackerjack materials folks to help us with these sourcing issues. Occasionally, the issue was touchy enough to require the design engineer and the materials engineer to get on a plane and go visit the vendor.
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That sounds like a cushy number, and if there's any more work out there on these intergalactic shopping cruises I can think of several well-qualified candidates who can probably start next week.