Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Need a few Magnetrons??


Chris F.

I hope nobody minds me putting a few FA posts on this group over the coming
weeks. I've got a lot of surplus components to clear out this spring and I'd
like to advertise them as much as possible. I'm just wondering whether or
not it's worth the trouble to sort and list some 20,000+ components,
consisting of everything from resistors and electrolytics to relays, motors,
heat sinks, fans, AC cords, and other stuff too numerous to mention here.
Suffice to say that anything I can't sell (or give away) will be going to
the trash. Electronics repair just isn't profitable enough to justify
keeping such a large stock of parts.


Anyone who works in the service industry knows how expensive these are to
replace, so here's your chance to stock up on these valuable components for
less than $1 apiece!

11 x $1 = $11 not $99.99
Maybe a Typo error Chris

Chris F.

That was assuming somebody bids and wins them for $9.99, instead of using
the BIN. I don't think anyone will use the BIN option but for the $.05 it
costs me, it's worth a try.