Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Need a device for transmitting wireless signal to a smartphone

Hello everybody,

I'm new to any kind of forum and this is my first post.
What i'm looking for is a small device in the size of zigbee that transmits wireless signal to a smartphone.

I need this because my professor who is guiding me for a project asked me to find some thing like that

Please if anybody knows anything about a device like that let me know as soon as possible.


thankyou for replying but how will this help me transmit signal to a smartphone?

cuz that WiFi module connects to the WiFi in the phone
you will still need to figure out the connection/interfacing of your signal to the WiFi module

you havent told us anything about this signal

cuz that WiFi module connects to the WiFi in the phone
you will still need to figure out the connection/interfacing of your signal to the WiFi module

you havent told us anything about this signal

let me put it this way.

I have that device, which i mentioned, in my possession and you have a phone.
when i trigger the device with a switch or anything similar to a switch, then your phone should get a tone.

is that possible?
thankyou for replying but how will this help me transmit signal to a smartphone?

Maybe you should inform yourself about WIFI

cuz that WiFi module connects to the WiFi in the phone

exactly the WIFI is just the interface between your device and the phone

I need this because my professor who is guiding me for a project asked me to find some thing like that

I am surprised the your professor does not give you more help about this surely he should lnow
Bluetooth might be a better protocol for this situation from what I've read, as it won't play with the phone's internet as much - if the phone is on WiFi services during transmission or reception from this device, it may cause quirks or errors in the data.

Also, BT modules are available for common open-source microcontroller boards, which can read the state of input/output pins (input pins which you would connect the switches to, for example).

However, this isn't a free lunch here. You have to know the methods by which that transmission operates, and if you have a framework and device which allows that to be "black box" (that is, it hides the nuts and bolts and protocols and you just tell it to transmit) in nature, then you still have to know how to write an app on the phone that would scan for Bluetooth transmissions or WiFi, etc. and carry out an action accordingly.

You can't expect the phone to know when it is being queried to receive data. You have to write an app that tells it to look or be expecting that data (to open its transceiver).

Do you know how to do such a thing, or at least know somewhat the depth of the rabbit-hole to which you are asking? Do you know what you want to do with this data?