Maker Pro
Maker Pro

National Instruments to do E-Cat Controls



amdx said:

I see new info to me, "a radio frequency stimulator" is part
of the system.

Rossi hired NI to build a control system. Whoop-te-dooo.
I hope they get their fee up front.

The guys at NI have a lot of experience dealing with people who
make accurate measurements on industrial processes.

Any applications engineer at NI could, with a briefcase full of
instruments, instrument the E-CAT and report about
an HOUR. Heck, any high school science club could instrument the E-CAT
to the degree necessary in a week...

OK, so it's been more than an hour...
Where are the results?


mike said:
Rossi hired NI to build a control system. Whoop-te-dooo.
I hope they get their fee up front.

The guys at NI have a lot of experience dealing with people who
make accurate measurements on industrial processes.

Any applications engineer at NI could, with a briefcase full of
instruments, instrument the E-CAT and report about
an HOUR. Heck, any high school science club could instrument the E-CAT
to the degree necessary in a week...

OK, so it's been more than an hour...
Where are the results?
They're still their jaws up?
