Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Narrow Beam Ultrasonic

Back in 2010 on another fourm,19878.0.html there was some discussion of Long Range Narrow Beam ultrasonic measurement. In reply #11 in that thread is the idea of an array of transducers to narrow the beam.

I am thinking of giving this idea a try but have a couple of questions:
  1. If I want to narrow the beam in two dimentions do I need a full matrix of transducers or will a cross (X,Y) do it?
  2. I currently use an Arduino to drive an oscillator made up of an inductor and the piezo transducer. What is the best way of driving the array? Mulitple oscillators, transducers in parallel, transducers in series or somehting else?
Back in 2010 on another fourm,19878.0.html there was some discussion of Long Range Narrow Beam ultrasonic measurement. In reply #11 in that thread is the idea of an array of transducers to narrow the beam.

I am thinking of giving this idea a try but have a couple of questions:
  1. If I want to narrow the beam in two dimentions do I need a full matrix of transducers or will a cross (X,Y) do it?
  2. I currently use an Arduino to drive an oscillator made up of an inductor and the piezo transducer. What is the best way of driving the array? Mulitple oscillators, transducers in parallel, transducers in series or somehting else?

Might i ask which Arduino kit would this be?