Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Napco MA1008E strange problem



We do a lot of MA1008E VER 2's and we normally keypad program these on
site pretty much the same way and then remote connect to them
afterwards to get the panel program from the office. I always select
telephone line monitoring only when armed and set it to run the siren
after 2 minutes. This generally goes off without incident until the
last one we did. After the install was completed I was on the panel
phone line and noticed that every so often during a disarmed condition
the panel relay will dump the line for about 2 seconds and then reset.
Its never predictible. The customer also subsequently has complained
about this too. But the weird thing is sometimes this doesn't happen
at all. I went over this with Napco and even had Robert their
programmer connect to this panel and look at the program to see if
anything looked suspect. He said everything seemed to be normal. Has
anyone ever experienced this type of problem with this panel? I really
don't want to do a board swap unless it seems absolutely necessary.
Thanks, Lenny Stein, Barlen Electronics.
PS. I would prefer that replys be made to this forum however if you
would like to respond by email please use:
[email protected]