Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Napco Keypad EZM Zones not Responding

I'm trying to add four new zones to my GEM-P1664 control panel. It is currently using zone doubling on the panel (16 zones) plus a zone-doubled GEM-EZ4/8 (16 more zones), totaling 32 zones. Any opens show up properly on the open zone status list. But zones 33 through 36 do not show up when opened. The keypad is configured with base address 5 (following base address 1 through 4 for the GEM-EZ4/8). The number of zones has been set to 36 on initial entry, and the EZM Group addresses 1455 through 1459 are set as "01". The keypad EZM wires are connected per the diagram with the resistors installed. I assume the three gray wires are common, because switching them seems to have no effect. There are no trouble indications. I would be grateful for any help.