Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Napco Gem-Trans2 Bug


Bob La Londe

The first time this occurred I figured it was a one off circumstance, but I
have had it happen a three times now.

Gem-Trans2 keeps sending low battery signals. Replace battery. Restart
receiver. Restart panel. Replace battery again, etc etc etc...

Throw transmitter away and replace. Problem solved. These are with brand
new installed transmitters with a fresh batteries reading over 3 volts under

Just something I thought might benefit another installer. The time spent is
worth more than the transmitter. If you get a low bat with a good battery
or a fresh replace within a couple weeks just replace the transmitter and
save the headaches.

Crash Gordon

Are they supervised..probably they keep trying to send a
supervisory signal if it doesn't get through on 1st try or does it wait till
the next supervisory check in time?