Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Napco GEM-RP1CAE2 LCD compatible keypad???



Is a Napco GEM-RP1CAE2 LCD keypad compatible with an older Magnum
Alert MA-3000LKDL panel? I thought that "GEM" keypads only worked with
the Gemini series of panels. Also, if it *is* compatible, would it
still work as the third keypad on a system that has two other
RP3000LCDe keypads?

Any advice on this would be appreciated?

Frank Olson

I guess our resident "Napco Expert" didn't know the answer to this one
either Jim. He's yet to respond to your challenge... Funny how things that
*aren't* in the manual but are specific to things you *learn by doing* seem
to slip right on by RLB... :)

Frank E. Olson
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Frank Olson

I guess he couldn't find a compatible connection for his laptop in Brazil...
Or maybe he forgot the charger cord... I know... He got stopped by a
couple of Brazilian cops and didn't have any good American rubbers to give
them this time... I wonder how hard it is to get a "good connection" in
jail down there? ;-)

Frank E. Olson
Free listings for qualified industry professionals, dealers & suppliers.
Please visit the unofficial web site to view FAQ and participant



I guess he couldn't find a compatible connection for his laptop in Brazil...
Or maybe he forgot the charger cord... I know... He got stopped by a
couple of Brazilian cops and didn't have any good American rubbers to give
them this time... I wonder how hard it is to get a "good connection" in
jail down there? ;-)
Try a little jail time- just like last year.

Anyway, the NG is at peace.

As (everyone's favorite but mine) Martha Stewart used to say, "it's a
good thing."