Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Napco 9600 Keypad problem


J Gragg

Tried to install the RS232 kit today - via cat5 to windows 2k machine.
Couldn't get Quickloader to recognize the ports on the machine, and
now my keypads say "Out of System" just like they were in programming
mode. Jumpers are OK in board, and power works to the keypads and
zones. But I can't get the keypads back on-line.

Did this comm kit fry my board? Any help greatly appreciated.

Frank Olson

J Gragg said:
Tried to install the RS232 kit today - via cat5 to windows 2k machine.
Couldn't get Quickloader to recognize the ports on the machine, and
now my keypads say "Out of System" just like they were in programming
mode. Jumpers are OK in board, and power works to the keypads and
zones. But I can't get the keypads back on-line.

Did this comm kit fry my board? Any help greatly appreciated.

Try "rebooting" your system. Power down - wait twenty to thirty seconds,
then power back up...

Frank Olson

Robert L. Bass said:
Hi John,

Give me a call tomorrow (Sunday) between 10:00 am and 1:00 pm. I should be
in the office at least until then and possibly longer. I'll walk you
through the keypad setup and do a download for you. That will take care of
the keypad issue. I can also help you configure the Quickloader software so
it can talk to the Gemini P9600.

John. I'd suggest you have a quick boo at the message "FAQ - Shopping on
line" before you let this character anywhere *near* your system
(particularly the section entitled "What does Downloading mean?". In case
it's not still available on your own news server:

What's an on line Dealer?

When I use the term "on line Dealer" I mean an alarm company that offers
products (alarm and security equipment) for sale to end users over the
internet. I use this term to differentiate between an alarm company and
stores like Radio Shack® or Bass Home Electronics. Most alarm companies will
have a physical presence (office) in a community and their employees are
screened and cleared by the authorities (often-times as a requirement for
licensing). In most instances they will also be required to maintain both
local municipal as well as State (or Provincial) licensing as well as
bonding (for their employees) and liability insurance. In addition, most
alarm manufacturers and distributors will only sell to properly qualified
Dealers. The reason for this has nothing to do with their desire to keep the
industry "closed", but more to ensure that the Dealers that sell their
products have and receive the appropriate training to deal with the
installation, programming and servicing of the equipment. Don't kid yourself
into thinking that installing an alarm system is "simple" or "straight
forward". Unlike a home computer set-up that someone can easily be talked
through over the telephone, the installation of an alarm system requires a
variety of skills and specific knowledge (i.e.. building construction,
electrical code, local bylaws, equipment limitations due to environment or
location), speciality tools and the training to use them. Make sure you
discuss all these things with your chosen vendor before you purchase any
equipment and ensure they have the support system in place to help you if
you are planning to "do it yourself".

What's an on line store?

This is an organisation that also offers security products for sale on line.
It may or may not have a physical business address (and in some instances
will not). There is usually no requirement for either the store or it's
employees to be licensed or to pass a background check to sell the parts
that make up a complete alarm system. Furthermore, you can purchase product
from a store, but won't necessarily be able to obtain informed advice on
device location, panel programming, or installation techniques. Some on line
stores have gone the "extra mile" by obtaining the bonding and insurance
most alarm companies require.

What does "Downloading" mean?

Most modern alarm systems have the ability to be programmed and operated
from a remote location. In fact most alarm companies prefer to sell alarm
panels which they can program in this manner. It allows them to change the
system's parameters without having to dispatch a technician to the premises.
Some online stores offer "free downloading" as a value added service to
their customers but keep in mind that the process itself involves the
transmission of all the data in your system (including user codes and
telephone numbers). If the merchant isn't licensed as a security company (or
bonded or insured at least), there's no way to verify whom you're dealing

What does all this mean to you, the consumer?

Either "everything" or "nothing". Whether you choose to do business with a
Dealer or an on line store is entirely up to you. Some end users prefer to
deal with a properly licensed Dealer. This FAQ is intended to assist you in
making an informed decision with respect to your security system purchase
whether you make it on line (and install it yourself) or you choose a
locally licensed, bonded and insured alarm company to do it for you. Keep in
mind that we are talking about your (and your family's) security and safety.


Here are some suggested questions you might want to keep in mind as you
explore the merchants' web site. The answers you find (along with some
helpful TIPS) will serve to aid you in making an informed selection. It's
often useful to explore any links to additional services (such as
monitoring) which you may find while browsing their site as well, but keep
in mind that any such links are often provided as a courtesy and the
merchant cannot be held responsible for the content.

Does the company offer secure on-line transaction services? If they don't,
do they offer an alternative means of submitting personal and credit card
TIP: Always try to pay for your purchase by credit card. In most instances
this form of payment provides you with additional "security" in the unlikely
event a merchant is unable to fulfil your order in a timely fashion. If you
don't have a credit card, then your next best choice is to purchase from a
properly qualified Dealer.

How long have they been in business?

Do they offer monitoring in your state/province? Is their central station
facility UL (in the United States) or ULC (in Canada) listed? Where is it
located? TIP: It is extremely important to ensure the monitoring agency is
licensed to operate in your State/Province and meets any local municipal
ordinances. Check with your local licensing authorities on the suitability
of the monitoring agency you wish to employ before signing any agreement.
TIP: Several agencies are available to anyone interested in performing a
background check on the merchant. The Better Business Bureau
( is often used to gauge a company's performance and
trustworthiness and additional resources are available through your state's
alarm association..

Do they provide toll-free technical support? What do they offer in the way
of installation help?
TIP: Most on line Dealers and speciality stores maintain an extensive
library of tips, information, and links. These are usually free to browse
and download. You're under no obligation to purchase from them to benefit
from the use of these resources.

Does their website indicate that the company is insured and bonded? If not
feel free to ask if they carry liability insurance that includes a rider for
"errors and omissions" or "failure to perform". In some States/Provinces
it's impossible to obtain a license without providing this information to
the licensing authority.
TIP: This requirement is more important for those of you who contemplate
entering into a monitoring agreement with the merchant.

Do the terms of the monitoring agreement include a cancellation clause that
may require you to pay a penalty if you cancel before the end of the
contract term? What is the term of the contract? One, three, or five years
are pretty standard for the industry.
TIP: As with any agreement or contract you enter into, read ALL the fine
print before signing.
TIP: Some States/Provinces offer a "cooling-off" period which allows you to
cancel a contract without obligation within a specified period. Check to
ensure this clause is part of your agreement in accordance with your
State's/Province's laws. Failure to include it could invalidate the
agreement "ab initio" (at inception).

Is the company properly licensed to carry on business in their home

What are the delivery options (i.e.. courier, USMail or Canada Post)?
TIP: Always obtain a waybill number and expected delivery date so you can
properly track your shipment.

Is the equipment specified and suggested by the merchant listed as "new"?
What are the manufacturer's warranty conditions? Is the merchant an
authorised Dealer for the equipment (can you expect them to be able to
honour the warranty)?
TIP: In some instances the manufacturer may list their authorised Dealers
and distributors on their web site. If it's not readily apparent, ASK!

What's the merchant's return policy?
TIP: In most cases the merchant's return policy should be clearly published
somewhere on their website. If not (or it's not readily accessible), make
certain you ensure you obtain a written copy of it before you order any

Will the equipment purchased be suitable for operation in your jurisdiction
(i.e.. voltage requirements, certification, etc.)?

On-line Dealers that have participated in this forum are:
Ships U.S.A. only
Ships U.S.A. only
Ships U.S.A. only
Ships World-Wide
Ships U.S.A. & Canada

J Gragg

Thanks Frank. Powered down, and waited (several hours) and this got
the keypads back on line. The board will now enter keypad configure
mode and return to normal by changing the jumper on J2.

Now, however, both keypads (RP1CAe2) say "Compat# Error" when in
normal mode. I did not change the compatability numbers, and I've
checked that they are both "0000" in keypad configure mode, but
somehow the board will not recognize them.

Any thoughts?

Frank Olson

J Gragg said:
Thanks Frank. Powered down, and waited (several hours) and this got
the keypads back on line. The board will now enter keypad configure
mode and return to normal by changing the jumper on J2.

Now, however, both keypads (RP1CAe2) say "Compat# Error" when in
normal mode. I did not change the compatability numbers, and I've
checked that they are both "0000" in keypad configure mode, but
somehow the board will not recognize them.

Any thoughts?

Check system programming. You may have inadvertently changed something
there. Read page 18-19 (installation manual). More often than not it's
something you've missed and not something "fried" in the board... :))

J Gragg

9600 Keypad problem Post Mortum

Finally got to the bottom of this problem. Thanks and kudos to all
who replied with help. You guys are lifesavers!

Keypad out of system errors must have been caused by a bent prong of
the EPROM chip. Found it as I was doing a swap per Robert Bass'
suggestion. I've installed these in PCs for twenty years, and yet I
missed this one. Just goes to show - it CAN happen to you!

Keypad Compat# error a little more difficult to resolve. Keypads were
correct, so something must have changed in the panel. With Robert's
help, I got the PC connectivity issues resolved - although Quickloader
windows would still not connect. Finally got PCD3000 to upload and
finally saw the problem - the bent EPROM must have completely trashed
the panel's program. I mean, ASCII and crazy characters all OVER the
program - even in the descriptions of the fields in the by-feature
programming menus. Ever see THAT one before?

Frank Olsen's idea kept me on track. Figured if I could get a cold
start, I might get the panel back. After several hours cleaning out
the trash (including compatability numbers DOS reported as ASCII
figures), I finally got keypad 2 to come alive. At last, I could
perform a cold start, as the panel would not respond to this action
from the software. Reprogrammed keypad 2 as keypad 1, had to
completely power down again, and then I got to the programming menu.
TWO cold starts and one power down later I finally got back a clean
board (except for a nagging telco error, solved by one final cold
start). Reprogrammed the board, via software this time (oh so much
easier) and all is well.

Thanks again to all who helped. It kept me on track instead of
sending the board back. I couldn't have done it without you!

Frank Olson

J Gragg said:
9600 Keypad problem Post Mortum

Finally got to the bottom of this problem. Thanks and kudos to all
who replied with help. You guys are lifesavers!

Keypad out of system errors must have been caused by a bent prong of
the EPROM chip. Found it as I was doing a swap per Robert Bass'
suggestion. I've installed these in PCs for twenty years, and yet I
missed this one. Just goes to show - it CAN happen to you!

Keypad Compat# error a little more difficult to resolve. Keypads were
correct, so something must have changed in the panel. With Robert's
help, I got the PC connectivity issues resolved - although Quickloader
windows would still not connect. Finally got PCD3000 to upload and
finally saw the problem - the bent EPROM must have completely trashed
the panel's program. I mean, ASCII and crazy characters all OVER the
program - even in the descriptions of the fields in the by-feature
programming menus. Ever see THAT one before?

Frank Olsen's idea kept me on track. Figured if I could get a cold
start, I might get the panel back. After several hours cleaning out
the trash (including compatability numbers DOS reported as ASCII
figures), I finally got keypad 2 to come alive. At last, I could
perform a cold start, as the panel would not respond to this action
from the software. Reprogrammed keypad 2 as keypad 1, had to
completely power down again, and then I got to the programming menu.
TWO cold starts and one power down later I finally got back a clean
board (except for a nagging telco error, solved by one final cold
start). Reprogrammed the board, via software this time (oh so much
easier) and all is well.

Thanks again to all who helped. It kept me on track instead of
sending the board back. I couldn't have done it without you!

You're most welcome.