Maker Pro
Maker Pro

n64 analog stick help

i "borrowd" an analog stick from a 64 controller and am trying to get it to drive 2 motors. up/down on the stick will drive one motor forward reverse and l/r will drive other. anyone able to help me fgure this one out?
i put this in the parts help not circuit diagram cos i am hoping someone can show me the stick works. i am guessing its a variable resistor of sorts...... but i could be hugely wrong


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Check this out. It describes how the n64's controller works. The analogue joystick consists of a pair of photo-interrupters.

A circuit to decode the output would not be trivial I expect. It would certainly involve much more than just wiring it up right.

If all you want is up/down, left/right, then you should consider a digital joystick.

It may also be easier to look for a joystick that consists of a couple of potentiometers to give position info, and they may be easier to interface to something.
does that apply to the gamecube and wii controllers or is that different tech? the reason i want potentimeters..(pots) is so i get control of how fast the motor moves, move the stick a lil the motor goes slow, move it alot the motor goes fast


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
I'm not sure about other controllers, I just googled the N64 one. I found that description of it, but I could not find any circuit diagram that used them to interface to anything else.
You may have better luck with a PC joystick (like the actual joystick part), but I don't know how big you want it to be....

Then again I would imagine a lot of this kind of stuff is probably done with the photo-interrupters... I know they are pretty small, which seems to be the goal a lot of the time.