Maker Pro
Maker Pro

mystery component

I agreed to checkout a portable heater for a neighbor and the problem is with a component I can't identify. I've searched on the info on the item with no results.

Here's a photo of it; I'm sure somebody on here will know what it is.

The component in question is between the 120v line to the heating coils and the coils. With the 152°C marking on it, I suspect it's an overheat protection component.

Thanks in advance,



¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
It's a 152 degree C thermal fuse.

Note that the connection is not soldered as the heat from soldering it could cause it to fail before it gets a chance to be used.

The fuse is riveted at both ends. I thought I could drill out the rivets and replace them with small machine screws and nuts...


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
There are probably good (safety) reasons for using something that can't come undone. If you go down that route, remember that this device probably heats up in operation and cools down when not in use. This can contribute to the loosening of any bolt you might use, and if it has a high operating temperature anything you use to lock the nut may degrade.
thanks for the help

I picked up a thermal fuse locally, bolted the little bugger in and the heater is back in service.

A few more pounds saved from the garbage heap!
