Maker Pro
Maker Pro

My shopping list :D

Here is my shopping list. Can you think of any other essential things?

PICaxe USB download cable
IC sockets
Stereo PICaxe download sockets
Etch resist pen
Ferric Chloride solution 5L
Polycarbonate goggles
Heavy duty industrial gloves
PPE etching tray

(for a project)
PICaxe 20M2
Budget Serial OLED Module

All together it will cost £71.27 and I'm buying either from or Anything else I could add? I was thinking possibly press'n'peel PCB transfer sheets?
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¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
I would buy a breadboard, and also some pre etched boards with the same pattern as the breadboard. That way, once the project is working on a breadboard, you can transfer it straight to a more permanent form.

It also allows you to eliminate all the board etching stuff.

You'll probably need some other components. Since this is a new thread, I can't easily go looking , but you often need pull-down or pull-up resistors. This is certainly true of the programming interface - there are 2 resistors that need to be left in circuit.

If you have a computer with a serial port, you can get by with a much cheaper programming cable. Admittedly, serial ports have gone the way of the din connector for keyboards.

Have a look for PICaxe kits. You may be able to get a bundle of things more cheaply.

Also note that PICaxe's tend not to like 6V, they are rated for 5V, so use 3 x AA cells, or get yourself a 5V regulator.
I forgot to mention, I already have resistors. The rest of the stuff, maybe. I kind of wanted to do all the etching, so I'll get a breadboard but I see no need for the pre-etched boards. My computer doesn't have a serial port. It's a bit annoying; serial cables are worth about £3 but USB cables are worth £11.99
Anyway tanks for the input. I have added some things to my list.

PandaMan :)


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
If you're etching your own boards, remember that you have to drill holes.

Make sure you have access to the stuff required to do that.
If you're etching your own boards, remember that you have to drill holes.

Make sure you have access to the stuff required to do that.

Yes, my trusty dremel with necessary drill bits and a vice with soft jaws.
I got a load of free copper clad board for free at school today. A big bit, about 1' x 2'. It's double sided as well, which is always a bonus. How do I cut the board? Are the guillotines you can buy worth it?


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
I have a purpose-modified guillotine. However if you're going to buy one, you'd want to expect to be making more than a few boards.

If you have access to somewhere that can cut it for you, start by taking advantage of that.
Have you considered a PICaxe development kit? The price/performance
sounds much better. You would have to purchase the 20M2 to replace the 18X1,
and you could add the AC adapter for around $6 US. Details below:

PICAXE Development Board (AXE091)

sku: DEV-09439
AXE091U £44.99
(£53.99 inc. VAT)

Description: This is a PICAXE experimenter's kit including all the parts and
widgets you need to get up and running with PICAXE programming. The
development board comes fully assembled and includes an 18x1 PICAXE
microcontroller. On top of that, this board is compatible with 8/18/28/40 pin


* Supports all 8/14/18/20/28/40 pin PICAXE chips
* Computer download circuit pre-configured on PCB
* Large breadboard area
* Regulated power supply or battery powered, with LED power indicator
* 3 LED indicator outputs
* 3 Digital switch inputs
* LDR and preset resistor analogue inputs
* DS18B20 digital temperature sensor
* Infrared sensor and LED output
* Keyboard connector
* Serial (inverted and true (MAX202 buffered)) RS232 connectors
* Sockets for I2C and SPI memory chips (not supplied)
* Socket and battery connector position for DS1307 Real Time Clock (not supplied)

The board can be powered via batteries (battery box included), or an external
power supply (sold separately), and the board has onboard regulated power
supply, with LED power indicator.

The kit includes both this board, a download cable and a CD with all software
needed. All extra you need to get started, is a computer, and batteries or a
power supply.

Furthermore, free training resources and tutorials are provided in the PICAXE
manual (Part 1 - Getting Started).

The experimenter kit can be used with any software application that supports
the PICAXE hardware, including the free ‘PICAXE Programming Editor’ and/or
‘Logicator for PIC Micros’ software.

