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My RCA Hi-Fi VCR Won't Output Stereo Sound Anymore

  • Thread starter Steven Litvintchouk
  • Start date

Steven Litvintchouk

I just moved into a new apartment, unpacked my Mitsubishi stereo TV and
RCA VR678HF hi-fi VCR, connected the VCR to the RF coax cable jack in
the wall, and connected the audio output A/V jacks of the VCR to the
audio input A/V jacks of my TV.

But I get no stereo sound. Only the left audio channel is playing from
the VCR thru my TV, nothing from the right channel at all. I checked
all the connections, even tried new A/V cables. Nothing.

Whether I am playing a prerecorded stereo tape or just watching live
cable TV, I get no stereo sound out of the VCR A/V jacks at all.

But if I connect the RF coax cable jack in the wall directly to the TV,
bypassing the VCR, I get stereo sound of live TV programs just fine.

So what did the movers likely break on my VCR in the course of moving it
to my new home?

Thanx in advance!

Steven L.

"Reagan bolstered the U.S. military might to ruin the Soviet economy,
and he achieved his goal."
-- Gennady Gerasimov (top spokesman for the Soviet Foreign
Ministry during the 1980s)

William R. Walsh

I just moved into a new apartment, unpacked my Mitsubishi stereo TV and
RCA VR678HF hi-fi VCR, connected the VCR to the RF coax cable jack in
the wall, and connected the audio output A/V jacks of the VCR to the
audio input A/V jacks of my TV.

That's not going to work, unless your TV will display from the RF input and
play the audio from the A/V jacks. If that's the case your VCR could be
broken, but I've never seen a modern stereo VCR put actual stereo audio out
on the RF output.

Provided your TV has composite or S-video inputs you will have to use them
along with the the audio input connections in order to get stereo sound.


Steven Litvintchouk

William said:

That's not going to work, unless your TV will display from the RF input and
play the audio from the A/V jacks. If that's the case your VCR could be
broken, but I've never seen a modern stereo VCR put actual stereo audio out
on the RF output.

Let me rephrase.
I connected the VCR to my TV using the A/V jacks for both video and
stereo audio. I didn't use RF input to the TV for anything. I used RF
input from Comcast cable jack in the wall to connect to the VCR.

Steven L.

"Reagan bolstered the U.S. military might to ruin the Soviet economy,
and he achieved his goal."
-- Gennady Gerasimov (top spokesman for the Soviet Foreign
Ministry during the 1980s)

Gary A. Edelstein

I just moved into a new apartment, unpacked my Mitsubishi stereo TV and
RCA VR678HF hi-fi VCR, connected the VCR to the RF coax cable jack in
the wall, and connected the audio output A/V jacks of the VCR to the
audio input A/V jacks of my TV.

But I get no stereo sound. Only the left audio channel is playing from
the VCR thru my TV, nothing from the right channel at all. I checked
all the connections, even tried new A/V cables. Nothing.

Whether I am playing a prerecorded stereo tape or just watching live
cable TV, I get no stereo sound out of the VCR A/V jacks at all.

But if I connect the RF coax cable jack in the wall directly to the TV,
bypassing the VCR, I get stereo sound of live TV programs just fine.

So what did the movers likely break on my VCR in the course of moving it
to my new home?
My guess is you hooked it up wrong or there's a problem with the VCR
outs or TV ins. Make sure the outs go to the L/R analog inputs on the
TV matching the composite vid input. Switch the L/R channel outs and
see if the sound changes sides. If so, then you know it's not the TV.
Then try the outs going to another input, like a stereo amp or

Another poster suggested looking at the VCR and TV setup menus.
Certainly worth doing that too, although I sort of doubt that's the

Gary E