Maker Pro
Maker Pro

My First Post And First Question

This is My First Post In Any Electronics Relative Forum.
I am Very Scared About My Future And My Next Exam.
I m Student of DAE (Diploma Of Assosiate Engineering) In Electronics In 2nd Year.
But I did not Attampt My Basics Classes. I am Scared...

I want to Start My Study Again With Private Teacher For Electronics.

I am also Little Software Engineer. LITTLE

I want to Ask A question here This is Not my Question. But i also need his Answer

For Example:

12 volt Battry Input
2 bulb
One Button

How to I design a circuit
if i Switch Off Then light 1 Should Off And light 2 Is on
If i Switch ON then light 2 off and 1 is ON

Please Help me About this???
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I'm not sure I have ever designed one of those with so few "bottom" I usually use 2 or three bottom.

I am kidding but my question to you is what do you mean by "1 bottom"? Ground?
And what other components are you allowed? is it just switches?

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I'm not sure I have ever designed one of those with so few "bottom" I usually use 2 or three bottom.

I am kidding but my question to you is what do you mean by "1 bottom"? Ground?
And what other components are you allowed? is it just switches?


I Am very sorry about my Question

i Mean Button = Switch

Now i Edit My Post

Ground is Common in Both Bulb
But What Electric Component I use for toggle

I want to make togle button who Move two sides

any way thanks you very much for responce
No I am the one who is sorry for not reading your post clearly before replying. The egg is on my face.

For your question you may benefit from exploring the different kinds of switches available.

Check out this page. About 1/2 way down is a table of switch options. One of them just may solve your problem.
Well you need to close a loop for the current to flow. You can think or the positive terminal on the battery as the start of your loop and the negative terminal on the battery as the end of your loop. Current has to flow through the bulb to to make it illuminate. Your button/switch is either going to close the loop and turn on the light or break the loop and the light will be off.

What kind of bulbs are you powering?
Are they rated for 12V?