Maker Pro
Maker Pro

My final Electricity Generator Idea?

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Take 1 huge capsual metal 2 story house size, attach a chain to it from above or below or both (under or directly over it) the chain pulls on a high gear ratio but with a lot of torque then drop this metal capsual into the sea... that way the depth can be calculated

My artistic skills are that of a 6yr old i know :)

Anyway its boyant enough to float around what a few kg? Anyway.. fill the float with sugar and yeast of 50kg let it drop pulling it down... when it gets to the bottom the bottom chain is pulled in as it goes down, and then the yeast produce co2, it begin rises again generating electric, and the process starts again, but a small amount of power has to be taken from the bottom generator to pull the chain in at the top

Or is this not practical?


  • Screenshot_2016-10-05-22-52-27.png
    763.6 KB · Views: 135
Well, you missed the most important part of the opportunity here. Why not use malted barley instead of just sugar, then it will make beer at the same time!


Edited: Damn, you beat me too it. I had actually typed this a couple of hours ago and failed to push the button.
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