Maker Pro
Maker Pro

"Must-Have, Survival" Discretes

Hi all,

Some years ago on this group I posed the question, "if you were washed
up on a desert island and could take only a suitcase-full of discrete
semiconductors with you, what would it comprise?

Many years later, and in the light of supply changes/shortages and

Gentlemen, (and Lady (as I am recently informed)) which semiconductors
would *you* - TODAY - take with you to some distant, foreign shore, to
ensure your survival and contact with what remains of a post-
apocalyptic human race?

Me. (the tall, intelligent, good-looking one who used to post here
some time ago).


Hi all,

Some years ago on this group I posed the question, "if you were washed
up on a desert island and could take only a suitcase-full of discrete
semiconductors with you, what would it comprise?

Many years later, and in the light of supply changes/shortages and

Gentlemen, (and Lady (as I am recently informed)) which semiconductors
would *you* - TODAY - take with you to some distant, foreign shore, to
ensure your survival and contact with what remains of a post-
apocalyptic human race?

Me. (the tall, intelligent, good-looking one who used to post here
some time ago).

Phased-plasma rifle, in the 40-watt range.

Oh _today_? Never mind.

Mark L. Fergerson

Rich Grise

Hi all,

Some years ago on this group I posed the question, "if you were washed
up on a desert island and could take only a suitcase-full of discrete
semiconductors with you, what would it comprise?

Many years later, and in the light of supply changes/shortages and

Gentlemen, (and Lady (as I am recently informed)) which semiconductors
would *you* - TODAY - take with you to some distant, foreign shore, to
ensure your survival and contact with what remains of a post-
apocalyptic human race?

Me. (the tall, intelligent, good-looking one who used to post here
some time ago).

About 1000 ft. of hookup wire, a deep-cycle battery, an ignition coil, and
a fingernail file. ;-)

Hope This Helps!


Hi all,

Some years ago on this group I posed the question, "if you were washed
up on a desert island and could take only a suitcase-full of discrete
semiconductors with you, what would it comprise?

Many years later, and in the light of supply changes/shortages and

Gentlemen, (and Lady (as I am recently informed)) which semiconductors
would *you* - TODAY - take with you to some distant, foreign shore, to
ensure your survival and contact with what remains of a post-
apocalyptic human race?

Me. (the tall, intelligent, good-looking one who used to post here
some time ago).

"Must-Have, Survival" Discretes<

Ladies, a young Swede, Asian, and an Italian, and your right they must be
Hey, throw in an Amazon to do my heavy lifting.

Better yet, take one of those army pedal generators in case the sun
don't shine. Keeps you in shape as well, remember, there's no gym
memberships on desert island.

Something like this?

Wonder how to screw the bolts into sand, to keep it from wobbling...
concrete, epoxy, bolts? ;-)

And don't forget at least one of grandpa's coal-fired solder irons. It
would be really sad if whatever charge scheme you used failed, battery
is empty, you find the cause but can't solder in a new transistor
because there's no juice left.

charcoal fired solder iron, then? (not likely to be a whole lot of
coal on a desert island)

Toss in a charcoal retort then, to make charcoal?


Rich Grise

Say, what would the range be for such a contraption?
Dunno, but Carl & Jerry did it once after a car crash in the boonies. ;-)


Rich Grise

Is there electricity on that island?

A different question: suppose you had a time machine and wanted to
send volumes of one chosen electronic part back in time, to the US
Army, at the start of WWII, to help them win the war sooner. What
would that part be?

I'd vote for 2N7000.
At the _start_?

A decent magnetron.

Is there electricity on that island?

A different question: suppose you had a time machine and wanted to
send volumes of one chosen electronic part back in time, to the US
Army, at the start of WWII, to help them win the war sooner. What
would that part be?

I'd vote for 2N7000.


Pure U-235!

Assuming I'm sending it to the Brits or Americans?
A red helium neon laser. Easily works with the tube gear at the time,
and, instant cheap guided missiles once they figure out how to copy
the dielectric mirrors. Sets metrology and communications ahead 100


Rich Grise

You can add the traveling wave tube, as well. There are still a few
things that vacuum tubes do better than solid state!

When I was in the USAF, we called them Traveling Wave Amplifier Tubes,
because the acronym is so much more fun to pronounce than TWT. ;-)
