Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Multiple pull-down inputs


Do I have to use 4 separate resistors for connecting 4 digital inputs with my MCU? Or could I use 1 general pull-down resisitor?

Thansk in advance!
If they are unused inputs, yes. If you expect to use them as seperate inputs, you cannot connect them together.

If these 'inputs' are configurable in/outputs, you can just configure them as outputs with no pulldowns. Most IO on a MCU can be programmed with a week pullup, so you may leave them unconnected too. This you need to lookup in the datasheet for the MCU.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
But if they are inputs, and they are being used, you'll need a pull-down resistor on each (assuming you need a pull down)