Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Multi Channel F-V converters?

Hi All,

I'm looking to monitor a number(~10) of slowly varying low frequency
outputs(100Hz-5KHz), I want to be able to sample & report the
frequency on each channel once every 100mS. The micro processor I'm
using has a number of ADC channels so I was hoping to use these to
monitor the output of a Frequency to Voltage converter for each
channel. The required range is 0-5V on the output of the converter.

I don't think I can use the micro to time the inputs directly because
I may not have the overhead avalable to do this every 100mS for every

Does anybody have any ideas on the easiest way to achieve this?

I had a look at the usual Semiconductor manufacturers and can't seem
to find a multi channel IC to do this, does anyone know of any?

Also what is the best method for pretty precise measurement of these
frequencies? If you think I'm approaching this from the worst possible
way let me know this also,




Hi All,

I'm looking to monitor a number(~10) of slowly varying low frequency
outputs(100Hz-5KHz), I want to be able to sample & report the
frequency on each channel once every 100mS. The micro processor I'm
using has a number of ADC channels so I was hoping to use these to
monitor the output of a Frequency to Voltage converter for each
channel. The required range is 0-5V on the output of the converter.

I don't think I can use the micro to time the inputs directly because
I may not have the overhead avalable to do this every 100mS for every

Does anybody have any ideas on the easiest way to achieve this?

I had a look at the usual Semiconductor manufacturers and can't seem
to find a multi channel IC to do this, does anyone know of any?

Also what is the best method for pretty precise measurement of these
frequencies? If you think I'm approaching this from the worst possible
way let me know this also,

Don't know any multi-channel ones, I usually do such things with the
LM331 which unfortunately doesn't come in small footprints.

If the uC has lots of MIPS you might be able to squeeze in a fast
interrupt scheme. Zero crossings would trip comparators where each goes
to a port pin. When any of the port pins changes state an interrupt is
generated. That's going to be lots of interrupts and you'd have to check
states again after it comes out of the ISR to catch any that might have
changed state while processing the ISR. Each time a state change is
detected a time stamp versus a long timer is generated and you'd have to
also handle the timer rollover. Again, this must be a powerful uC
because the interrupts will come faster than they can pour Guinness in
one of your pubs ;-)

John Larkin

Hi All,

I'm looking to monitor a number(~10) of slowly varying low frequency
outputs(100Hz-5KHz), I want to be able to sample & report the
frequency on each channel once every 100mS. The micro processor I'm
using has a number of ADC channels so I was hoping to use these to
monitor the output of a Frequency to Voltage converter for each
channel. The required range is 0-5V on the output of the converter.

I don't think I can use the micro to time the inputs directly because
I may not have the overhead avalable to do this every 100mS for every

Does anybody have any ideas on the easiest way to achieve this?

I had a look at the usual Semiconductor manufacturers and can't seem
to find a multi channel IC to do this, does anyone know of any?

Also what is the best method for pretty precise measurement of these
frequencies? If you think I'm approaching this from the worst possible
way let me know this also,



Why not counters? A $2 CPLD could implement a bunch of frequency



Also what is the best method for pretty precise measurement of these
frequencies? If you think I'm approaching this from the worst possible
way let me know this also,

At these low frequencies, and wanting to see 100 Hz every 100 mS,
F/V will not really work.
If your MCU has input capture, use it to measure the period,
then calculate the frequency on a per signal period basis.
If your input capture inputs are not as many as you need,
you may still be able to multiplex them (digitally, externally
to the mcu) to the various signals, even 1 input at 100 Hz
(10 mS period) can be switched to measure all every 200 mS worst



Hi All,

I'm looking to monitor a number(~10) of slowly varying low frequency
outputs(100Hz-5KHz), I want to be able to sample & report the
frequency on each channel once every 100mS. The micro processor I'm
using has a number of ADC channels so I was hoping to use these to
monitor the output of a Frequency to Voltage converter for each
channel. The required range is 0-5V on the output of the converter.

I don't think I can use the micro to time the inputs directly because
I may not have the overhead avalable to do this every 100mS for every channel.

Why not?
I am sampling at 1 ms (with hardware timer) using a $5 micro?
A decent micro should easily meet your requirements.


Why not?
I am sampling at 1 ms (with hardware timer) using a $5 micro?
A decent micro should easily meet your requirements.

I am sampling 4 channels at 1KHz (1ms) because
I can't pull data out over internet fast enough.
By the way, my target is also flashed and debugged
over the internet. My target (Linux/USB) powers up halted,
until being jtag scanned (and flashed if necessary)
by a remote machine (Window).

If you can digest the data first, you can sample
at much higher rate. For example, you can sample
at 10KHz (100us) without any problem.
The sampling can be timer based for minimum overheads.

The LM3S828 has 8 channels of 10 bits A2D.
The chip also has an internal sequencer for batch
conversion. Namely, doing all 8 channels at once
per interrupt, and at 125KHz rate.
Even if you have to couple an external mux,
you can still sample at 60KHz, more than enough
for your 5KHz signals.