Maker Pro
Maker Pro

mulptiple output power supply

hi i hope someone can help me im hoping to finish my grandads organ which he never finished.
i need to make a power supply with 10 different voltage outputs ranging from +50v to -50v.
i have all the voltage regulators i need for the voltages and made the usuall circuits and i have the output i need from each of them.i am using a 55v torroidial transformer with 2 windings i was going to use one for all the positive outputs and the other one for all the negative outputs but im stuck on how to get all the voltage regulators to work from the one transformer as when i tried to put the +50v and +40v regulators together both outputs gave me the same reading, how can i make this work


hi there welcome,

how about drawing out the circuit that you made and that will help us to see where you went wrong and guide you in the right direction :)

Crumbs, that's a pretty serious supply. I'm beginning to think about making a -30 to +30V supply for the lab, um, shed - I'm going to use 2 x LM723 ICs. Do a Google on those - they might be a good start for you - they can be configured to produce regulated voltages both positive and negative.
please advise input input current and output current and work frequency and dimension requested, I design the transformer for you.