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Move screen display upwards on Panasonic 53WX52F TV

I have a PANASONIC 53WX52F TV SET, and I'm having trouble fitting the screen appropriately. I watch lots of foreign TV and I need subs to understand. When I have the TV on standard view, the subtitles on my DVD are too small. Hitting the aspect button on my controller allows me to toggle through different sizes, and ZOOM is the right size (subs are big enough), but are now too low and cut off.:eek:

My DVD and DVD player have no options to move the subs upward, so they can't help. I need a way to manually move the screen upward, while on ZOOM, to the point the subs are on screen. I'll be cutting off a portion of the top, but as long as the subs are large enough to read and are on screen.

Many thanks to anyone that can help. :) I've been trying to solve this for days, as I have not been able to watch my DVDs because of this.
@TRAPTRAP, The TV aspect button should allow you to force 4:3 or 16:9 aspect ratios. This will allow the subs to stay on screen, but the entire image may be stretched or squished to fit. Using Zoom will cut the bottom of the subs off IF the subs are built into the video you are playing (You can tell if this is the case if you have no options to enable to disable the subtitles... many pirated videos have the subtitles overlayed onto the video).
Official video sources will let the TV or DVD player do the work in displaying the subtitles which will result in a properly placed subtitle. Exceptions to this rule is if the DVD player is playing the video in 4:3 format and the TV is a 16:9 format. Take a look and see if you can force the DVD player to display 16:9
@Gryd3 Thanks for a reply, the subs actually aren't built into the video. The DVD player displays them and does allow me to turn them on and off, but only move them downward. My DVD, specifically the one I'm having problems with isn't pirated, either. It's from an official source.

Hitting the ASPECT button toggles through four options. JUST (I assume JUST FIT ZOOM), 4:3, ZOOM, and FULL. The TV is normally on FULL, and 4'3/ JUST make the screen smaller. ZOOM makes it bigger, but that's when the subs don't fit and the DVD player can't move them upward.
4:3 Pan&Scan
4:3 Letterbox
Are the DVD Player's options.

I usually have it on 16:9, as the other two only make it smaller, with black borders.
If you have it set to 16:9, it should position it's subtitles correctly...
As you play with the aspect button on your TV, do you end up with Bars on the sides or top/bottom?
DVD-S52 PANASONIC is my DVD Player. It only lets me move the subs further down, but if someone could find a way to force the subs upward, the problem would be solved.
Look at page 18 here :

Or page 19 here :

To get what you want. You cannot use the Aspect button on the TV to fill your screen to fill the screen. You must use the 4:3 Aspect options on your DVD player.
You can set it to 'Normal' or 'Zoom'.
The TV must not be set to Zoom.

The DVD player options you mentioned above are not in the manual.

To force the subtitles up, you either need to know of some service options which may or may not exist to override settings. This is highly unlikely to be able to move the subtitles to the middle of the screen. Only other options are modifying the firmware, or doing work with an FPGA to reposition or resize the image on your TV.

Here's what happens though.
Step 1. Your DVD player read the video from the disk, and will stretch or size it based on it's settings from the 4:3 Aspect Mode. (Cable choice will affect this as well if you are using composite cables for example.)
Step 2. Your DVD player will then place the subtitles along the bottom of the newly resized image. (Correctly)
Step 3. Your DVD player send the new image to the TV
Step 4. Your TV will resize and stretch the image based on the TVs aspect settings.

The TV has absolutely no information on where the subtitle is, it treats the whole things as one big picture and will crop the top/bottom off, or stretch the whole thing sideways to fill your screen. You need the DVD player to do this stretching/cropping if you want your subtitles. Not the TV.

The only other option I can think of is ripping the DVD to your computer and then rebuilding the video stream with the subtitles where you want them.

Best of luck. In the mean-time, maybe someone has a secret menu they know about.
Seems that didn't work. When it's in ZOOM is the only time that the subs are big enough. When I switched to the other aspect they FIT, but were only small/smaller again.

Does anyone know of a DVD player with the option to move subtitles UP? Or is the -60 option on my DVD player a universal DVD subtitle function?