Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Motorola 3000 analog cellphone



Can't find a cellphone group so this will have to do for now...
I have come across the Motorola 3000 cellphone programming manual that
I had with my last car phone (car and phone gone about 4 years.) It's
is good shape but marked-up with my old number, access codes, etc.
This phone was an in-car analog unit, 3 watts power, made circa
1989-90 (sorry, sold with car - pity, should have kept it!)
I'll mail the 17 page, 5 x 8 inch, manual (just folded pages) it the
first person I hear from who wants it for the price of the postage
(likely just large letter rate) as I hate to chuck out potentially
useful collector stuff like this. Email me at "analogdino 'at' rogers
'dot' com", but formatted properly (anti-spam), if you want it.
Near Toronto, Canada.