Maker Pro
Maker Pro

motorised base


Tim Polmear

A thousand??
That's a pretty big school.

You could try a Tamiya 2 motor bulldozer kit. I've got one - the
motors are 3v but you can 'overclock' them.
Also Altronics have a 6 wheel, 2 motor base for $15.00, K1102 in the
catalogue. It's a bit light on the power though. K1105 is a complete

Otherwise, why not grab the plans for the BOE bot and have your manual
arts department knock them up? (actually it's not the BOE bot, but I'm
sure I have the plans somewhere)

How about the Revolution Education PIC Buggy. I don't know how much
they cost, from England so they must be good ;)

Actually yes it is the BOE bot you can get plans for, though I don't
know if it's the Parallax version.
I've got diagrams if you're interested.

Tim Polmear

For some school robot electronics stuff, I am looking for a cost effective
robot base to work with.

Ideally it would be something like this Jaycar gear motor but with two
motors instead of one, and with wheels Cat yg2725:

Any ideas? I need about a thousand of them so Chinese manufacturers would be
a possibility, but would prefer to stay in Oz if I can.


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