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Maker Pro

Most popular 16x2 LCD module configuration?


Spehro Pefhany


There are several common configurations for 16 x 2 character LCD
modules.. pins on left in two rows, pins in one row on the top left

Which one is the most popular/available style?

It looks to me like the 'pins on the top left' (80mm x 36mm) style,
followed by the 85 x 30mm 'pins on the left in two rows' style.

Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany


Spehro Pefhany said:
Which one is the most popular/available style?

Personally I prefer the 2x7 row for ease of connection with ribbon cable and
IDC connectors.

Though I admit the 14-way IDC cable/connectors are less common than the
10/20/26/40/52 way parts.

The single-row LCD version might be better for soldering in a row of pins to
plug into those plastic breadboard things.

If I were an equipment maker, and wanted to mount the LCD on a front panel
away from the PCB, the 2x7 seems best.


In comp.arch.embedded,
Kryten said:
If I were an equipment maker, and wanted to mount the LCD on a front panel
away from the PCB, the 2x7 seems best.
And why would you want to do that? Direct connection to PCB saves a cable
and thus saves cost, assembly and a possible failure source. But ofcourse
all depends on the possibilities of placement and construction in the
particular equipment. :)


Stef said:
In comp.arch.embedded,

And why would you want to do that?

Sometimes you don't have a choice.
Direct connection to PCB saves a cable
and thus saves cost, assembly and a possible failure source.

Yes I know.
all depends on the possibilities of placement and construction in the
particular equipment. :)

Yes, sometimes the board has to go one place and the display in another.

James Beck


There are several common configurations for 16 x 2 character LCD
modules.. pins on left in two rows, pins in one row on the top left

Which one is the most popular/available style?

It looks to me like the 'pins on the top left' (80mm x 36mm) style,
followed by the 85 x 30mm 'pins on the left in two rows' style.

Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany
Most of the surplus parts I have seen/purchased are the single row
style. That's the style I chose for a product just because of
availability. The only time it gets tricky is when you add in
backlighting. There seems to be no standard for where those extra pins
are placed in relation to the other 14.


Spehro Pefhany

Sometimes you don't have a choice.

Yes I know.

Yes, sometimes the board has to go one place and the display in another.

I suppose if one were to standardize on the 2x7 type, one could easily
go either way, depending on the product.

Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany


In comp.arch.embedded,
Kryten said:
Sometimes you don't have a choice.
I now see I mis-parsed your post, sorry. What I read was: "... maker,
_I_ wanted to mount ..."
And I therefore was wondering why you would insist on mounting the LCD
away from the PCB. So please forget about the whole subthread here. :-(

Franc Zabkar

There are several common configurations for 16 x 2 character LCD
modules.. pins on left in two rows, pins in one row on the top left

Which one is the most popular/available style?

It looks to me like the 'pins on the top left' (80mm x 36mm) style,
followed by the 85 x 30mm 'pins on the left in two rows' style.

The kit suppliers in Australia use the "single row of 14" type. The
one important difference among these is the non-standard polarity of
the +5V and ground pins. I have also noticed that the potential
divider spec for the contrast pin can vary depending on the type of

- Franc Zabkar

Wouter van Ooijen

There are several common configurations for 16 x 2 character LCD
modules.. pins on left in two rows, pins in one row on the top left

Which one is the most popular/available style?

It looks to me like the 'pins on the top left' (80mm x 36mm) style,
followed by the 85 x 30mm 'pins on the left in two rows' style.

I agree

But almost any configuration you can think of exists, although often
only on request. Especially for the background pins.

I have a few LCDs here that have a single row on both the top left
*and* the bottom-right of the LCD. And various larger LCDs with two
HD44780's, hence two E lines.

Wouter van Ooijen

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