Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Morse code reader

Hi all. I am a retired telecommunications technician from Adelaide South Australia. As a current member of an Antique Telephone and Telegraph collectors association I wish to construct a morse code to text and text to morse code device without using Arduino.
I've seen many morse code readers/writers over the years from the Elektor morse code reader (74-series logic) to the modern Arduino/processor versions. As for writing, there are 'discrete' circuits out there (74-series again) or simple software routines (I wrote software for an Apple II many years ago and 'automated' the morse training classrooms at the Marine College).

Of course there are loads of off-the-shelf solutions too - eBay has a load - and I have a standalone LCD (waterfall) display SDR receiver that has morse decoding as a built-in (on screen) option.

But by far and away the BEST solution is to learn to do it yourself.......
Looked into the ATtiny but to me it appears it needs Arduino to program it, or am I missing something ? Please bear with me as my electronic knowledge is very rusty.
Looked into the ATtiny but to me it appears it needs Arduino to program it, or am I missing something ? Please bear with me as my electronic knowledge is very rusty.

These chips don't require an Arduino, but that's certainly an inexpensive approach to programming them.

Is that a concern for you? I assumed you only wanted to avoid Arduinos in the final circuit -- not as an intermediate step in your tool chain.
Thanks Xenox. I really want to avoid Arduino in both stages if possible.

Can you share the reason you want to avoid Arduinos entirely? If the reason is because you want to avoid programming, that would rule out microcontrollers generally, including Arduino, ATtiny, etc.

If you are trying to avoid Arduinos specifically and are comfortable with programming, you can buy or build your own programming cable & cicuit to program ATtinys or other compact microcontrollers.