Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Morse buzzer

Just gone back to my youth and have bought a morse key on trademe!
I need a simple circuit for a morse buzzer, suggested power 9v. Can anyone help please?


Just gone back to my youth and have bought a morse key on trademe!
I need a simple circuit for a morse buzzer, suggested power 9v. Can anyone help please?

a basic audio oscillator and put the Morse key in as the on-off switch --- is the simplest way
google audio oscillator circuits

you could get into more complex oscillators for a key, you may also find circuits on google

Hello @Deigh (Morse Buzzer).
Are you planning personal practice, recording,or what about short-range wireless?
As a P/O naval signals instructor (70's) I knew morse then, but have since forgotten 99.99% !:confused:
If your'e interested I have several circuits for carrier-activated keyers, transmitters, oscillators, etc.
For accuracy practice, there's a retail built-product (or electronic kit) that decodes your morse code.
Happy dit-dahing!
Thanks for reply, I was a fully trained telegraphist in the RAF many years ago and followed it with many years in amateur radio. Just had the yen to do a bit of keying. I have a granddaughter looking to take up a communications career in the Navy and thought it would be fun to teach her morse. I presume the Navy still uses it?
All I need is a simple oscillator kit.
I used to go to Marist Brothers college in Jo'burg! Now live in New Zealand.
For simplicity, nothing can beat a piezo beeper. Battery, key, beeper. that's it. Most of them self-oscillate above 2 kHz for the most attention-getting sound with the least power. However, some larger ones have a lower freq that is less annoying. Still better than a buzzer.

If you use a USB connection for 5 V power and have arelatively high impedance speaker, like a 64 ohm headset driver, another option is an AC series CMOS hex inverter Schmitt trigger, the 74AC14. One inverter is the oscillator, and the other five drive both ends of the speaker in a BTL (bridge-tied load) configuration.
1 - 74AC14
1 - 10K resistor
1 - 0.1 uF capacitor
1 - speaker

Output frequency = 450 Hz.
