Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Modified kitchen oven for reflow ?


Robert Lacoste

Anyone having experience, or links, regarind using a modified kitchen oven
as a small reflow oven for prototypes ? I'm wondering if adding a good
temperature controller and a air cycling system could give good results or
not. Any ideas ?


Darrell Harmon

Robert Lacoste said:
Anyone having experience, or links, regarind using a modified kitchen oven
as a small reflow oven for prototypes ? I'm wondering if adding a good
temperature controller and a air cycling system could give good results or
not. Any ideas ?


I just use a plain iron, but am thinking about using a toaster oven
for my fine pitch surface mount stuff someday.

Darrell Harmon

Robert Lacoste

Thanks Darrel for these links !
On my side I will try to do a little better than using a plain vanilla
toaster oven : I've just order a quartz-heater toaster oven ($150 or so), in
order to have fast temperature profiles, and I plan to build a
microcontroller & thermocouple based regulation board for it, in order to
implement actual reflow thermal profiles. Interestig after hours project,
isn't it ? I will keep you posted of the results !


Robert Lacoste - ALCIOM