Maker Pro
Maker Pro



Bob La Londe

ABLE1 said:
I am sure there are others but I just don't know who.

BTW have you looked at the prices on this this equipment??

I have looked at the prices listed on the various e-tailer sites.

Bob La Londe

ABLE1 said:
Dealer pricing has a sting to it as well.

Well, if it lives up to its brags it might actually work better and save
some customers some money.

Bob La Londe

Bob La Londe said:
Which distributors in US?

I guess I either have to go kiss some Tri-Ed butt and beg for them to
actually condescend to send what I order, or spec some other stuff. I
emailed AND sent a fax last week asking for a list of their US distributors.
No response, so I called this morning only to have their auto attendant tell
me if I'm not already a dealer I should email them for more information.

I won't go kiss Tri-Ed's butt so some of the others are getting a second
look. I may even post a spec and request a quote on some of the China bid
sites. Not sure I can afford to go that way, but I have to take care of my
customers even if the vendors don't want to take care of me.

Robert (Bob) J La Londe III

The Security Consultant
P.O. Box 5720
Yuma, Az 85366

Licensed Communications Contractor
Serving Yuma Since 1994
Commercial & Residential
ROC103044 & ROC103047

(928) 782-9765 Voice
(928) 782-7873 Fax
[email protected]
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