Maker Pro
Maker Pro

MMC cards and AVR Microcontroller

I'm in need of using mmc or sd memmory card in my project but
unfortunatly i don't have any idea how they works?
i know they need 3.3 v for working. should this voltage be percise?
I want to read and also write on it in spi mode using an avr. I've used
the programm suggested in some relevant sites but it seems there is a
bug in those programmes or mey be i can't used them properly.could
anyone introduce me a reliable source on this issue?
meny thanks

Adrian Jansen

I'm in need of using mmc or sd memmory card in my project but
unfortunatly i don't have any idea how they works?
i know they need 3.3 v for working. should this voltage be percise?
I want to read and also write on it in spi mode using an avr. I've used
the programm suggested in some relevant sites but it seems there is a
bug in those programmes or mey be i can't used them properly.could
anyone introduce me a reliable source on this issue?
meny thanks

Loads of good info at:

And lots of card details from:


Adrian Jansen adrianjansen at internode dot on dot net
Design Engineer J & K Micro Systems
Microcomputer solutions for industrial control
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