Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Mixer psu problems

Hi all I have a mackie pro fx8 mixer and when turned on the power led just flashes on and off quite fast. I have google this problem and some say it could be down to a capacitor. The capacitor was replaced like for like but the problem has still not gone away. Now I'm reading to replace all the caps on the board and possibly the mosfet

The problem I have with this is that I can't make out the info on the mosfet. I've made out that it's a SVF4N65F but there are some more letters underneath that aren't quite visible do these matter or can I just replace with the same number as above?

Hi thanks for the reply. So looking at the data sheet it seems to me as Long as I replace the SVF4N65F with another SVF4N65F this should be ok?
Not sure have no way of testing but psu starts up then makes very faint clicking sound from board. Sound is in time with the power led flashing.
This is the board in question unfortunately I don't have a schematic. As you can see there aren't many Ic's on the top close to the mosfet but there is a small 6 pin chip on the underside of the board close to it.


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