Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Mitsubishi VS-4506R issues



buddy of mine called me about a 46" mitsubishi VS-4506R today.

he said one day it shut down, and he attempted to power back on. a quick
multi-color flat horizontal line would blink up and shut back down. it was a
quick half a second ordeal. he repeated his attempts to power it on, and a
horizontal line would blink up and shut down.

Well i was thinking a vertical output caps/IC failure, whcih is common in
those mitsus, but then he said after trying a few times, it just died
completely. no cliks, no power, no anything.

So, only thing i can figure was the repeated attempts to fire the set up
with a possibly shorted vertIC, it could have opened the hot, or a fuse, or

any ideas? I havent seen the set yet, but before i go out there, figured i
would ask here.