Fixing Vertical Sync Fault, Thermo Sensitive
Mitsubishi TV Model CS-27403C over 10 years old
Problem: When TV is first turned on there is no vertical sync. As it warms
up sync gradually returns. Initially the problem was minor since the sync
returned quickly. Now it takes an hour or more. There are no obvious
controls on the back. Not like in the good old days. Where to dig?
I can recommend a generic answer.
This is a thermo sensitive problem. Look for worn capacitors in the vertical sync separator and in the primary video amplifier processing sections. Also check the circuit areas where the vertical reference goes in to the sync gen/drive processor IC, or the equivalent.
When the chassis is jigged up you can use freeze spray to keep the caps cool. Use a scope to trace out the signal path to determine where the loss of vertical sync is occurring.
You will see the loss of vertical sync with the scope set at the frame (field) rate. Pay attention to the vertical serration and sync block portion of the signal to know where the vertical sync is occurring.
You may find a number of caps that will have to be replaced. On more rare occasions the fault will be with semiconductor, or resistor components.
This type of service could be too involved for the beginner. You may have to give the set out to a service center for this one. An experienced tech who knows the set model can most likely fix this with about 1 to 2 hours of labor.
Jerry G.