Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Mitsubishi CS-28EX1C No picture just black screen with blue and red speckles! Help needed!!



This tv has sound and a working 'on screen display' and menu. When
first turned on the picture is black with a few big blue and red
speckles. The speckles will disappear to a black screen after a few
minutes but come back if turned off then back on. The blue background
works fine when tuned to a channel with no signal. VCR input is the
same with speckles and good sound. I suspect I can rule out the tuner
but what do I look for here? I am a radio repair man with only a bit
of experience with tv's so any help from anyone to get me ontrack with
this problem would be very much appreciated. TIA


Replace ALL the surface mount electrolytic capacitors on the PIP board and
repair any damaged circuit board traces from the leaking electrolyte.

THEN, go through EVERY SINGLE electrolytic capacitor and visually inspect
for signs of leakage at the legs (one leg will be black or brown), remove
the large ones to inspect those that are not offset above the board, AND
check all of them with your high quality ESR meter.

If you do a Google groups search you will find how many times bad capacitors
are address in regards to Mitz made stuff from that era.

To have that tv properly repaired by someone with experience on that set
will run into some labor dollars due to the large number of bad capacitors
that it has by now.

If you do not mind opening up the tv every few months to fix another new
capacitor related problem, go ahead and fix only the issue at hand today.
Take this from experience from more than one tech who does this for a
